Sunday, November 8, 2009

....ICT IV on the go for the SECOND.......

ICT IV had reach the second part of my studies. It's a part where we have to be attentive and be disciplined enough to make our activities.
ICT IV in the second grading almost focus on how to make use of the notepad and to save it as exer1-9.htm. I do find hard time typing those very long paragraphs.(ehem!)
Typing,on the other hand,is easy but boring sometimes.(hehehe)....Placing those start and end tags is very enjoyable but sometimes very confusing. Justlike thefirst grading period,I need to seek help frommy groupmate,LEO...(Thanks to him)....
Our blogs do continue and thiswill be my seventh post and I am happy that thisis for the completion of my blog...
Lessons will do continue and I'll make sure that I can pass all of my requirements..(hope soooo!)
More blogs to come and hope to read your comments around...
"See yah this next grading period..."
^^gek...signing off^^hehehehe....